Asbestos Removal all over Scotland
We have unrivalled asbestos removal experience and expertise. You can trust us to to the job right.

From our base at Wishaw, Lanarkshire, we've been removing Asbestos all over Scotland for almost 50 years.
SB&AS offer an unbeatable Asbestos Removal Service as well as building and environmental services to customers all over Scotland.
Since our formation in 1973, Specialist Building & Asbestos Services Ltd have become one of the leading Asbestos Removal Consultants and Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Licensed Removal Contractors in Scotland.
We have a well-earned reputation for managing and completing projects to the highest standard and on schedule. Based in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, the Management Team at Specialist Building & Asbestos Services Ltd have a proven record of achievement. Our years of experience have allowed us to build good, lasting relationships with Clients of all types.
This enables us to provide the highest professional Asbestos removal service to Local Authorities, Major Construction Companies, Rail Infrastructure, Educational Institutions, Retail, PLC’s and Private Clients.
We take pride in being:
- A leading Specialist Asbestos removal Contractor with a reputation for Quality and Safe Practice
- Health and Safety driven with an exceptional Health & Safety Record
- Committed to doing our bit for the Environment
- An Equal Opportunities Employer

You can’t take chances with Asbestos removal so you need to make sure that the company you choose has the right mix of experience, skills and cost efficiency.
We’re sure that our service is second to none and we would be delighted to speak to you about your next project.
Call us on 01698 359966 anytime during office hours, contact us via email – or pop into our office at 2 Canyon Road, Wishaw.