Railway Infrastructure Asbestos Removal
We've been involved in Framework Contracts with the UK Railway Infrastructure for many years, removing all kinds of asbestos and environmental waste.
We have a fully trained PTS workforce and we're audited and approved by Link Up
Typical projects over that time have included:
Liverpool, Mersey Rail Tunnel: pre-contract surveying and framework contract over 6 1/2 years for removal of asbestos cabling and drainage
Mid Calder Junction: removal of asbestos troughs, tree roots and other waste
West Coast Main Line at Lockerbie: removal of asbestos troughing
Atherton Goods Yard and Crows Nest Signal Box: removal of asbestos material and toughing
Blackrod, Bolton Signal Box: removal of asbestos material
West Coast Mainline: removal of asbestos cabling, toughing and tree roots from Gretna to Motherwell
Perth Station: demolition of trackside building and erection of modular replacement building
Shieldhall Junction Glasgow: demolition of trackside buildings and landscaping
Our highly trained and motivated staff are knowledgeable, friendly and easy to work with. Our efficient procedures help keep a keen eye on costs and we pride ourselves on our excellent communication and unrivalled experience.
Find out more about what we can offer you by calling us on 01698 359966.